
Welcome to our Raggi Method® posturology school with Pancafit®

Discover the training path, from Fundamentals to High Specialization courses

This School of Posturology founded by Prof. Daniele Raggi more than 20 years ago, has the aim of making our students aware of all the various concepts and application exercises of this innovative method. The aim is to train posturally-aware professionals, able to apply all the postural concepts of the Raggi Method ® , using the Pancafit® postural tool.

Pancafit ® , the only and original, was designed and created by Prof. Daniele Raggi, patented throughout the world. This innovative "medical device", at the service of the professional in the sector, has the task of

- facilitate "decompensated postures",

- make this method easily accessible to everyone,

- accelerate the therapeutic restorative processes caused by adapted and compensated postures.

For more information about the school, click here

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