
Concept and implementation: TESEO.IT SRL

Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Processing of personal data

obtained from the interested party

Information pursuant to art.13 of European Regulation 679/16 or GDPR

1. Commitment

POSTURAL SERVICE SRL is actively committed to safeguarding the personal data of anyone who entrusts them to our processing. We recommend that you carefully read this information where our Privacy Policy is clearly indicated for the protection of your data.

2. Owner and manager of data processing

Owner and data controller: POSTURAL SERVICE SRL, via dell'Annunciata, 20121 – MILAN, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

To exercise your rights, listed below, you must send a written request by post to the Data Controller's address, by PEC or by e-mail addressed to C/A of the Data Processor.

3. Type of data processed

The data processed, for which you freely give your consent electronically, by means of an appropriate "click", will be of two types:

a) Personal and fiscal data, necessary for the administrative obligations required by law;

b) Other personal data (such as, for example, telephone numbers, alternative contact details, e-mail, any educational and professional qualifications, any banking details).

4. Purpose of the processing

The legal basis of the processing is constituted by the consent acquired through an electronic "click", expressed freely via the Web.

The processing of the data listed above will have the following purposes:

a) fulfillment of legal obligations, for administrative, fiscal and financial purposes;

b) easier contact, for the delivery of any products purchased, for the purpose of organizing the provision of courses, issuing certificates and attestations, in the event that you have requested such services; for marketing purposes, to offer you services or products, new initiatives and advertising campaigns, to submit evaluation questionnaires or surveys on the degree of satisfaction.

5. Treatment methods

The data will be processed with electronic and IT tools and stored both on IT media and on any other type of suitable media, in compliance with the security measures provided for by our internal regulations.

6. Subjects to whom personal data may be communicated.

The subjects to whom your data may be communicated are:

- people authorized by the Data Controller pursuant to art. 29 GDPR due to the performance of administrative and accounting tasks, such as, for example, tax consultants, accounting experts, auditing firms, and, if forms of financing or payment facilitation are requested, credit institutions, insurance companies , third-party surety bodies;

- transporters (to improve delivery times and methods it is necessary to display the recipient's data, including mobile phone, on the package label);

- external companies present in the national territory for carrying out marketing and advertising activities.

Postural Service makes every possible effort and adopts every security measure to guarantee the confidentiality of anyone who uses its services.

7. Conservation

Conservation is expected in 10 years from the last contact.

8. Profiling

In compliance with the guidelines of the GDPR and freedom of choice, your data will not be subjected to an exclusively automated decision-making process, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or which may affect you in a significantly similar way.

9. Rights of the interested party

In relation to the processing of your personal data, pursuant to art. 13 paragraph b and c of the GDPR (EU) 2016/679, you can protect your rights towards POSTURAL SERVICE SRL; in particular, you have the right to know, at any time, what your data is with us and how it is used; furthermore has the right to have them updated, integrated, rectified or deleted, to request their blocking and to oppose their processing, as well as exercising the right to be forgotten. To exercise your rights you can contact the data controller or one of his managers, identified at the beginning of the information.

However, please note that the opposition to the processing can only take place for data whose provision is not mandatory. Otherwise, the legal terms for retaining tax documentation will be respected.

10. Nature of the data and consequences of failure to consent

In the absence of consent, POSTURAL SERVICE will not be able to accept orders, sell products, deliver goods or carry out any activity on its behalf.

11. Complaints

To lodge a complaint regarding the processing of their personal data, the customer can contact the Italian Data Protection Authority and for any information or clarification regarding the topics covered, they can write to