NON-DISCLOSURE Raggi Method® Decompensated Postures® Pancafit®

1.1. Raggi Method® is a method of kinesiological, kinesitherapy, analgesic, postural nature, functional recovery, respiratory gymnastics and global decompensated muscle lengthening exercises. The trademarks currently registered to distinguish the method taught are: “Pancafit® Raggi Method ® Posture Decompensate®. The list may be adapted to new registrations of industrial property rights. It will be the responsibility of the student/professional to verify that the words used do not constitute a registered trademark.

1.2. The Raggi Method® Professional Training courses with Pancafit® are organized exclusively by Postural Service srl and taught exclusively by Prof. Raggi and/or his collaborators ( teachers of the Postural Service srl Training School ). Training for the purposes of teaching and professional training to other professionals and within structures and towards other professionals is therefore not permitted, unless authorized by Postural Service srl.

1.3. The ban on the disclosure of Raggi Method with Pancafit for professional training purposes is extended

  • to the operator who has attended - or is attending - a professional course Raggi Method Pancafit - Decompensate Postures®
  • to the Legal Representative/Owner of the structure where the professional works, as well as to the employees and collaborators of the structure itself.

In reference to the above, the operator who has already attended or is attending a professional course Raggi Method Pancafit – Decompensate Postures® and the Legal Representative/Owner, also on behalf of their employees and collaborators of the structure:

  • They undertake not to disclose this methodology and its contents through unauthorized materials or training courses to other professionals or commercial companies and therefore for commercial training purposes.
  • They are aware that this methodology can be taught and transmitted to other operators in the sector or professionals only and exclusively by Postural Service srl (through professional training courses organized by Postural Service or through teachers appointed only and exclusively by Postural Service srl)
  • They are aware that all the material is protected by Copyright, therefore no dissemination of the method (or materials) either theoretically or practically to other professionals, groups of professionals or commercial companies is permitted. - They are aware that the reproduction on any medium (photographic, audio, video or paper) of material relating to the professional training courses Raggi Method Pancafit – Posture Decompensate® is categorically prohibited

1.4 For the advertising of one's professional activity with Raggi Method Pancafit, or individual sessions with Raggi Method Pancafit of a kinesiological, kinesitherapy, analgesic, postural, functional recovery, respiratory gymnastics, global decompensated muscle lengthening exercises or postural gymnastics courses of the Group (Pancafit Group), the trainee/trained professional and/or the Legal Representative/Owner of the structure where the trainee works, must scrupulously comply with the rules referred to in point 1: Protection of use of Logos, Trademarks and Photos and the relevant Vademecum