This set (designed by Prof. Raggi, created by Postural Service) is one of the most familiar and successful accessories. Its easy and immediate use and the resulting results make these accessories true stars.
The set consists of two single and two combined star-balls, fused together for a third of their surface. Built with particular material with "very high memory" and "dynamic response", they always slowly return to their original shape.
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This set (designed by Prof. Raggi, created by Postural Service) is one of the most familiar and successful accessories. Its easy and immediate use and the resulting results make these accessories true stars.
The set consists of two single star-balls and two merged ones, fused together for a third of their surface. Built with particular material with "very high memory" and "dynamic response", they always slowly return to their original shape. For this reason, when they are used on the paravertebral muscles, they initially accept being crushed and deformed thanks to the rigidity of the muscles to be treated. Then progressively, as soon as these relax, the star-balls recover their shape, thus regaining the power to penetrate the deepest bundles of the muscles. This action makes the column much more plastic and flexible.
The star-balls can be used both on the floor and on Pancafit®. The double star balls have been enriched with a system to be able to hook and stabilize them directly on Pancafit at the desired point. The advantage that comes from assisted use on Pancafit® is that by varying the angles, it is possible to vary the intensity of the impact on the muscles and this makes the star-balls an adjustable accessory for every need and availability. Normally we start from the upper area of the back and reach the end of the thoracic area (see photo 9-10-11-12-13).
The use of star-balls in the lumbar area is not recommended unless under the supervision of a professional who knows the condition of the spine.
The enclosed instructions explain comprehensively the correct and extensive use of this accessory, which can also be of support in the treatment of other parts of the body:
- the buttocks can be treated bilaterally (see photo 14)
- the hamstrings and the muscles of the calf area, both unilaterally and bilaterally at the same time (see photo 1-2-15-16)
- the sole of the foot, always remaining in posture on Pancafit® (see photo 3)
- in the treatment of knee valgus, used between the two femoral condyles to stabilize the knees and prevent them from internally rotating during tension - feasible and functional only in decompensated postures (see photos 4-7)
- in the treatment of knee varus, used between the two tibial malleoli to stabilize the feet in the correct position and make the action of the belt around the knees more functional - feasible and functional only in decompensated postures (see photos 5-8)
- to stress and treat the transverse chain
- for the treatment of knees, feet, etc. in decompensated posture in closed chain
- at the retromalleolar level to stabilize the hindfoot (see photos 5-8)